For eligibility please scroll down to the relevant item.
ALERT (22 November 2024): The UROP website has been updated, and there is the scheme's usual message ahead of the Summer 2025 to be read below. An updated (but mainly the same) UROP information sheet (2025) can also be found below. There are a couple of new case studies (student perspectives) from summer 2024, and we are hoping to add some more. Imperial's UROP bursary scheme (internal; eligibility criteria apply) for Summer 2025 will open for Imperial undergraduates in January 2025 as usual.
February 2025 (amendments to previous statement in italics): To confirm that the Business School AND the following depts within FoNS, FoM and FoE have made it known to the UROP Manager that they will no longer allow UROPs to take place (to be registered) without financial support for the student having been agreed: Chemistry, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Brain Sciences, Immunology and Inflammation, Aeronautics, Bioengineering, Chemical Eng, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computing, Design Engineering, Earth Science and Eng, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Materials and Mechanical Engineering. These departmental rules apply to all UROPs whether the student participating is an Imperial undergraduate or not. In all instances queries should be addressed to the relevant Dept's Student Office.
Usual reminder: UROP students should allow 24 hours from receiving your confirmation of registration email before trying to enrol. You will be able to select the UROP programme from the dropdown in your My Student Records tile and complete your enrolment after 24 hours have passed. Check your registration email from Student Records for further advice. If you are struggling to access the webpages via Safari please try with a different browser.
Update ahead of Summer 2025 (November 2024):
A quick message to all supervisors and students who engaged in UROP during the summer of 2024: Imperial hopes that all research experiences were successful (in their own way) and that both the student and the supervisor will have derived some level of satisfaction from the collaboration.
Students are encouraged to write a "perspective" (a student case study) for possible inclusion on this website. All contributions of feedback are welcomed. Various student perspectives (case studies) are available to read.
If there are matters pertaining to a UROP that the supervisor and/or the student require guidance on please contact Adrian Hawksworth, the UROP Manager on
The scheme looks forward to UROP being equally productive over the coming academic year, especially next summer (2025).
If you are new to understanding how UROP operates at Imperial please read our UROP Information Sheet - 2025
Naturally the UROP scheme wishes you to think before you act (i.e. consult this website!) but UROP in terms of when individual students can consider making contact with academic/research staff has no deadlines. In theory the UROP system does not need much explanation. Students can commence their search when they are good and ready, but of course some opportunities may already have been secured, even for 2025. Selection for individual UROPs is a devolved acitivity (i.e. the potential supervisor decides the equitable means by which a student is selected). If you are a first year undergraduate then please remember that it's a long game and a UROP at the end of Year 1 is not compulsory, nor necessarily the right decision for you. Any student who wishes to discuss their interest in UROP might think about discussing first with their personal tutor, and, of course, queries can be addressed to Bursary schemes (including the Imperial's own UROP bursary scheme) will have deadlines, but a UROP does not have to be registered until the outcome of a bursary application is known.
***Read the eligibility criteria for UROP by scrolling down this page to the relevant item***
Adrian Hawksworth, UROP Manager
What is UROP at Imperial College?
- What is UROP (UG research)?
- What is a research experience?
- Why do academics get involved?
- Eligibility (students)
- Erasmus traineeships
UROP is Imperial College London’s highly active Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme for students (from within & outside Imperial, subject to eligibility criteria) who wish to develop an appreciation of research and the environment within which it takes place.
Since 1980 UROP has furthered the ambitions of thousands of students through the management of research experiences within Imperial.
Students and academic staff are encouraged to consider the possibilities which the UROP system offers.
Without the engagement of academic staff UROP would not happen, so Imperial extends a huge thank you to all staff who participate (academic staff plus day-to-day supervisors such as research and technical staff, post-docs and PhD students.)
In each of 2021, despite the pandemic, and 2022 over 600 students participated (with over 500 undergraduates from Imperial). The summer of 2022 saw a return to the vast majority of UROPs being undertaken in-person on campus while some continued to be delivered wholly or partly remotely. UROP is a cornerstone of the undergraduate student experience at Imperial and whether it is this summer (2024) or next summer (2025) we look forward to continued healthy participation.
What is undergraduate research? it is often considered to be the exploration of a specific topic within a field by a student that attempts to make an original contribution to the discipline (Wikipedia).
Undergraduate research when pursued through Imperial's UROP scheme has this general aim in mind but our UROPs can take many formats depending on what a student and their supervisor agree to pursue. Read the next TAB for more information.
What all UROPs should provide is a structured undergraduate research experience, with clear preparation, supervision and outcomes.
Undergraduate research is often a student’s first non-classroom experience of the academic research environment and attracts students for a variety of reasons. It is a particularly attractive proposition to students who already have a keen interest in a specific research topic, and perhaps have already experienced the research environment through high school level research programmes. Since some students arrive at university with "experience" there is often a desire to get involved in undergraduate research as soon as possible, although for most students it is something they will connect with a little later in their degree.
It can be the first stepping stone to a future career in academic and commercial research environments and is why many academic staff get involved because for many, especially younger researchers, it was their own first experience of research. However, for some students it will perhaps inform them that academic research is not for them (a constructive outcome nonetheless).
Broadly speaking it is a great opportunity for any student to gain an understanding of the research environment and to obtain new skills or develop current ones. Perhaps for some students, when external internships in their discipline are few and very competitive, pursuing a UROP can be an alternative way of building their CV.
For credit or not?
- Undergraduate research in the form of a UROP is extra-curricula for Imperial undergraduates (although in some departments extra ECTS credit can be accrued separate to a student's degree programme for participating in vacation research; the credit being achieved as a consequence of the student submitting and passing an assessment; the amount of credit being decided by the length of the vacation research experience).
- For students from outside Imperial who attend our university to undertake a UROP, participation may be extra-curricula or it may form part of a student's degree programme at their home university (e.g. a credit-based training placement).
Guidance for academic staff at Imperial College London on what actions to take when wishing to host a student. This weblink (information) is not accessible to students.
Interested in partnering with staff in Education?
Opportunities for undertaking a curriculum development or education research project in partnership with staff are suppported through the StudentShapers programme.